Community Leadership - Driven
1. Outstanding Stewardship + Results
2. PPJ Alumni News -- Registry here
3. Donor Matching Available
4. Looking Forward to Reconnect Soon !
PPJ Scholarship Fund
2024 Capital Campaign
+ 40 Years Strong with Secretary Emeritus Jo Ann Wentker & Co.
We are most grateful for outstandingly efficient volunteer services of the PPJSF teams ensuring 100% of donated funds go directly to scholarships with maximum impact, and excited to announce receipt of special third-party endorsement offering to "match donations" for our 2024 PPJSF Long-Term Growth Fund Campaign. Installmant plan gift matching is now also available, and eligible for recognition as "2024 LT Growth Fund Co-Founders" at fully-matched levels.
Don't miss this unique chance to help co-found the PPJ Growth Fund for our youngest community members and future-generation scholars to come.
Mail-in alumni updates / contributions:
Mark Mathisen 1431 Country Club Drive Los Altos, CA 94024 - 5904
Building To Better with PPJSF
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" #1 Donor Approved "
Donor Roster -- Thank You !
+ $ 500,000 PPJSF Benefactors
Peder P. Johnsen Estate
Family Estate / Trust Bequests
Marilyn & Fred Anderson Robert Tunheim
VIP Roster As Listed Anonymous
$ 5,000 ‒ 10,000 Leadership Circle
Bay Area Scandinavian Golf Challenge
Norwegian Club of SF Sons of Norway
Joar Opheim Gerry Manning
Norwegian Seamen's Church Anonymous
Alumni, VIP Roster As Listed
$ 1,000 ‒ $ 4,999 Dean's List
PPJSF IC Committee Anonymous
Alumni, VIP Roster As Listed
$ 500 ‒ $ 999 PPJ Fellows
PPJSF Selection Committee
Alumni, VIP Roster As Listed
$ 100 ‒ $ 499 PPJ Laureates
Alumni, VIP Roster As Listed
( "gfd" designation )
PPJ Alumni / Updates
Stewardship / Admin
Directors / Trustees
Laurie Mittelstadt
Joy Gunderson
Vice President
John Ronneberg
Vicki Running
Jan Stiggins
Membership Secretary
Erdmann Rogge
Sara Skokan
Social Director
Jeff Fleming
Vibeke Gade
Norman Ronneberg
Ron Tunheim
Zoe Running
Assistant Marshall
Ross Tunheim
Youth Co-Director
Eden Washburn
Youth Co-Director
Erdmann Rogge
Newsletter Manager
Diane Acevedo
Newsletter Editor
Maren Collins-Kresch
Publicity Director
Norman Ronneberg
Lynn Nichols
Assistant Historian
Bonnie Anderson
Social Outreach
Ingelise Schiavenza
Cultural Director
Vibeke Gade
Tubfrim Chair
Glenn Olsen
* in remembrance
Scholarship Team
Karen Rogenes Rende
Secretary / Chair
Shelly Taylor
Selection Committee
Gerry Manning
Selection Committee
Rose Abendroth
Selection Committee
Mark Mathisen
Selection Committee
Nik Sten
Selection Committee
Capital Campaign
Karen Rogenes Rende
Norman Ronneberg
Nik Sten
Nik Sten
Committee Chair
Mark Mathisen
Oversight Director
Oversight Director
Assurance / Audit Lead
Investments Secretary
Asset Custodian
C Schwab & Co. Inc.
2024 Campaign Team
Community Leads & Advisors
Raffle Prize Contributors
Input welcome contact us
Event Leads & Organizers
Volunteer Staff & Co-Hosts
Thank you for your support!
Henrik Ibsen Park Lodge
We look forward to see you!
Co-Founder Campaign Details
Estate + tax planning legal assistance available upon request.
THANK YOU to help co-found the 2024 PPJ Long-Term Growth Fund with match donations. Peder P. Johnsen Scholarship Fund is administered by Henrik Ibsen Lodge No. 7, Sons of Norway as a not-for-profit educational community foundation exempt from Federal Income Tax pursuant to 26 U.S.C. §501(c)(8).
Contributions to PPJSF shall be used exclusively for educational purposes. Contributions are deductible by the donor to the extent permissible by law. 26 U.S.C. §170(c)(4). EIN 940880325. Please see your tax advisor for details. No goods or services will be provided in exchange for donations.